Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow day

Everything is canceled today. Work, school, heck, some dolt lit his car on fire spinning out the tires. Check out the video here.

Now we're making cookies.


  1. Marietta pics? I saw the flaming car on TV too! We're still warm & well-fed with no need to go out till the weekend here in north Dallas (GA). Love your blog & experience tips! 1st time commenting I think, long time lurker.

  2. Oh the flaming car was so sad, and I could just imagine the smell! I'm from up north, so I just don't drive if it snows down here, people just don't have the experience which makes it way dangerous.
    We go biking out in Dallas on the Silver Comet! Some of my favorite summer afternoons get spent out there - nice area! Glad you like the blog, sometimes I wonder if anyone gets anything out of it - I hope so.
    Keep warm . . .

  3. Yup, this old Ct girl doesn't trust southerners in the snow either and they've given us good reason to the past week! I stocked up last Friday for the whole week and we've been watching TV (him), knitting and catching up on blog reading (me). If you are near us the Paulding Purlers meet every Thurs. (exc. tonite!) at the Starbucks in the Target on 278 in Hiram - join us if you get a chance!
