Sunday, November 25, 2007

Making some progress on that quilt

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday and got some time off. We had a very nice, very quiet long weekend.
The older I get, the more I learn to listen to my own "outages". When I just stall out on a project, I've learned it's because I'm not where I need to be to work on it, if I try to force it, whatever I do will stink and I'll just end up hating it, ripping it out, or just messing the whole thing up royally.
So, the little one's quilt has been malingering on the couch for a while, but I finally figured out what it needed - which is less. So I finished with the satin stitch work I was planning on doing on it, and now it's getting assembled in the dining room. The final plan is to quilt it using images from the headings of the chapters of the H.P. books - kids on brooms, snitches, owls and the like. I'll post some images as I get some of the work done.
I have to say at this point that I hate assembly of quilts. I can never get the damn thing flat, or straight and I end up spending hours on it, cursing as quietly as possible. Love the sewing and the quilting, but maybe I can find an outsource for the assembly of the layers . . . .

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